Baby Cayto 2nd and 3rd months
My son is growing bigger each day and getting more and more playful. He is definitely like his mother, full of facial expression and sound effects.
He already started to make sounds like "wei" to call people and screaming like a bitch. lol
At the age of 3 months, he started to try to push himself to sit up and can stay in the sit up position for almost 1 minute. And the thing i felt super love and touch is that he can recognised his mommy, which is me, by now. How do I know that? I noticed that whenever I walked pass or stand near whoever carrying him, he will move his eyes/head towards where I am at. ("v") ("v")
I will be so excited when the day he can call me "MOMMY".
*Baby boy when you grow up must dote on mommy okay. For what mommy has done for you. Those sleepless night and your cranky time.